3 Little Hot Dogs
https://vimeo.com/434495070 3 Little Hot Dogs (traditional – my version) Self-regulation, math Lyrics: Three little hot dogs, frying in a pan. The grease got hot hot hot hot hot, hot hot hot hot hot, hot hot
https://vimeo.com/434495070 3 Little Hot Dogs (traditional – my version) Self-regulation, math Lyrics: Three little hot dogs, frying in a pan. The grease got hot hot hot hot hot, hot hot hot hot hot, hot hot
https://vimeo.com/440017497 3 Short-Necked Buzzards (traditional) Self-regulation, balance, math, science Lyrics: (Look up in the tree with your binoculars)Three short-necked buzzards, three short-necked buzzards.Sleeping in a dead tree, sleeping in a dead tree.I tiptoed up so quietly…Then
https://vimeo.com/436545519 A B Squeeze – adapted by Mark Weltner from the traditional alphabet song Self-regulation, literacy I got this idea after reading Anne Green Gilbert’s version of Hickory Dickory Dock (see her book Brain Compatible Dance
https://vimeo.com/434495252 BINGO, traditional Self-regulation, body awareness, literacy, math I hope I’ve given you a glimpse of how wide open this song can be! Here are some ideas, most of which I’ve tried: I got the phrase
https://vimeo.com/441612728 Boom Chicka Boom by Peter and Ellen Allard Literacy, self-regulation Lyrics: (call and response) I say boom chicka boom (children repeat: I say boom chicka boom)I say boom chicka boomI say boom
https://vimeo.com/441606366 Building A New Way by Martha Sandefer of the Weavers; additional lyrics and arrangement by Mark Weltner Social/emotional benefits I frequently adapt songs to make them better suited for preschoolers. Here, I added the verse “When
https://vimeo.com/439656336 Draw the Circle Wide lyrics: Gordon Light, music: Mark A. Miller This is simply a wonderful song to sing. I have been singing it as my greeting song in some classes, and often we will
https://vimeo.com/440050451 Elephant In My Shoe by Mark Weltner (melody: The Grand Old Duke of York) Self-regulation, body awareness Lyrics: There’s an elephant in my shoe, there’s an elephant in my shoe,It’s stuck in there with superglue,
https://vimeo.com/441620546 Here Comes Mouse by Mark Weltner (to the tune of Little Brown Jug) Gross motor skills, math Lyrics: Here comes mouse, she can’t waitJump and open up the gate.Bend down low, watch her go.Jump
https://vimeo.com/441591567 I Am a Bud by Mark Weltner Science, fine motor skills, literacy
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075 | 51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
(781) 259-8866