Extended Day Slide Show
Join us for a journey through the past year with the children and teachers of Extended Day! Have a wonderful summer! https://vimeo.com/428226643
Week 22
It was impossible to resist the beautiful early Spring day on Monday, so we headed outside as soon as we could to enjoy the warm
911 – Emergency!
Without doubt the most exciting thing to happen this week was the visit from the Lincoln Fire Department on Thursday afternoon. We were playing in
Week of February 3rd
Roll Up Roll Up Roll Up Lunch inspires a cozy rest and playdough creations! Line up, line up, line up! the children are drawn to
Extended Day – Week 18
Over the past two weeks, as the snow and ice slowly disappeared outside our windows we brought in some white materials: playdough, ‘floof’ and white
Week 17
Experimentation During the past two weeks we have seen children engaged in experimentation using a variety of mediums. In working with the intricate marble run
Week 16
Old friends and new joined together in Extended Day to start the new year. Take a look at some of the things we were busy
Don’t be like Bruce….
He was mad! – Alice He was SO grumpy! – Caroline Have a wonderful holiday season! We look forward to seeing you all in the
Week of December 9th
On Tuesday we offered colored wax paper, scissors, tape and glue with a prompt to make trees for the characters in some of our favorite
Week 13
Before Thanksgiving break we observed many bakers and cooks on the playground. Cassie uses a cone to make her cake. Now I need the dirt for
Week 12
Playdough is a familiar material for the children and a freshly made batch drew in all the children this week. A favorite story came back
Last week we took a walk to see Andy Goldsworthy’s Watershed exhibit. It was lightly raining when we left the school, but on our journey