Newsletter, Oct. 15-16

Dear Studio Blue,
We're making connections...

How do you make a building tall? What’s another way to do that?

You like making buildings
with things on top.

We put out stiff brown squares on the building table. They went top of your buildings, like this...

And you like putting things
on top of you, too!

...and like this...
(Jemima's on right)

You looked carefully through the book of buildings.

When you see buildings your friends have made, that gives you ideas.
Arlo, when you saw the picture of Alice’s building you wanted to make one like it.

How is what Cassie built here... what happened on the playground here?

It reminds us of these houses for birds, too.

What does it feel like to be a bird?

Camden, you told us that you were a bird one day at the playground. You said, Tweet, tweet! as you flew around in big circles. Other children watched you fly around. Several of you also became birds and flew around with Camden. 

Dax, you and Diane wonder what Camden the bird is doing.

Camden: Tweet tweet.

What does that mean? 

Camden: I’m going in the sand. Tweet tweet. 

What was that birdie saying to us? 

Dax: Maybe he said building castle?

(Dax yells to the bird) You building castle, bird? 

Camden: Big castle!

Dax: That bird say yes building tower. Big castle. 

Dax notices Will is also building and asks him, What are you building Will? Are you building a big castle like that bird? 

A Walk in the Park

How does our play inside the studio and at the playground help us to connect with new places in the sculpture park?

Arlo: Alice, it says tall buildings. 

Alice and Arlo, you both have been working on creating tall buildings with blocks. 

Augie: This is my airplane!

William and Jemima build an airplane. 

Other children get on the airplane. 

Jemima: Would you like some ice cream? 

Diane and Mark