Clay is gray, slugs are gray.

With a video of a slug playing in the background, the children were invited to explore these creatures through clay. This material afforded the creation of habitats and further exploration of a slugs physical attributes.

I made dots and a breathing hole.  Ray

Little balls right there (at the end of his tentacles).  Charlotte

He’s very fat.  It’s a big lump. Maybe that’s his shield against prey.  Charlie

Maybe that’s where his food is going.  Maren 

I need to make a slug trail!  Slime slippery slug trail.  Brooke

They (tentacles) grab the food and put it in his mouth.  They were like little arms.  I saw a tentacle come out of his body!

It would take him 200 years to climb Mount Everest!  Charlie

I’m making a slug cave!  Maren

Baby slug.  Look, he’s with his mom and dad.  Dad is much fatter.  Maren