Studio Purple, Week #19

How to Catapult…

Find just the right shovel.  Maybe a color you like best.

Set tennis ball in the handle hole.

Stomp enthusiastically!

Oh, and don't forget to find your ball again!


Big, with rift, a sculpture by Steven Siegel largely created using newspaper, has captivated many children at LNS over the years.  Installed in 2009 this piece was meant to eventually decompose naturally back into the earth.  Ten years later with Mother Nature taking back much of this sculpture, its’ structure was recently removed revealing the remains of a former building foundation.  For our nature walk this week, we thought we’d take a peek on this well-known area and see how it had changed…

“Maybe it’s a junkyard!” -Alex

“An ancient artifact from really long ago!  Where people dropped from when they made pots.” -Kyla

“Maybe people a long time ago were drinking with the bottles and reading.  They were reading and drinking an maybe they don’t want nobody to find the materials they were using.” -Mika

“I think people finished it and threw it aside.” -Luca

“I think some people got some dirt and put it in the bottle and put some dirt for to cover it up.” -Victoria

How will this changed landscape take on new meanings in our imagination?


The children have taken an interest in building museums in our block area.  Recently, some children decided to create signs for their museums and we wondered…What kinds of signs are posted in museums?
This week, a small group visited the museum to investigate.  While we gathered in the coat room to review the museum rules, Tessa, Victoria, Sam, and Amelia wondered how the museum might let tell us these rules.

“They might have a sign.”  AMELIA

When we saw the same sign again, we wondered why.  

“I think that’s if you don’t see the other ones.”  AMELIA

By the third time, the children were able to read the sign by themselves.


This week’s problem…

My friend is playing a game that I don’t want to play.  I want to do something different.  

What should I do?

On Monday, we began our conversation by reading Friends by Helme Heine, a story about three friends who believe that “Good friends always stick together…Good friends always decide things together”. 

“No they don’t.”  ZACK
“I read this book before and they do!” ALEX
“No, they don’t.” TESSA
“They always do stick together, everyday.” JACK
“But we don’t ’cause…best friends do not stick always.  They always sometimes stick together. Me and Tessa can be at our homes but we are still friends.”
“I’m always with Jack!” ALEX

“He wants to play with these and these, but his friend is taking too long of a turn...This is me (waiting) and this is Kyla.” TESSA
Lea's solution
“This guy wanted to go down the slide but this guy was getting there first...They could go to a different place.” ZACK
“He’s telling that I don’t want to play that right now, can I go somewhere? The other said yes.” AMELIA
“He’s doing this ‘cause he doesn’t know what to do. He wanted to play (figure on left). He was pretending flying in the sky (center figure). He wanted to be a star. And he’s thinking, what he was thinking what he wanted to play (figure on right).” VICTORIA
On Friday, we came together to revisit Friends and share our thinking on this week’s problem.

“Friends always stick together!  Friends don’t stick together sometimes.” -MIKA
“Only if they’re in a dream you can stick together in the night.” -ALEX
“Friends don’t, we don’t.” -KYLA
“They do!” (conflicting chorus)
“Because our whole class doesn’t stick together.” -KYLA
“Yeah they do!” -ALEX

“Friends stay together everyday.” -JACK
“You don’t go in the same place everyday.” -EVA
“Or you don’t go to the same old town.” -ALEX
“Or you don’t go to the same trip.” -ZACK

“We don’t play together all the time.” -EVA
“And um…but you have a dream then you stick together at night.  And when you stick together in the night, I’m talking about real sticking together.  Like me and Jack are right now.” -ALEX

DJ then shared a story from earlier in the morning, when she discovered Sam and Charlie Menke sitting under the table after playing catapult.  Sam had explained that Charlie didn’t want to play anymore, but Sam still did.

“Cause my legs were tired.” -CHARLIE MENKE
“You could tell me and then I could play with you.” -CHARLIE KELLY
“Or me!” -EVA