Studio Purple Happenings, week of March 16

Hope you are all finding some fun ways to pass the time at home.  We heard from a few Studio Purple friends this week and thought we’d share it here with you.  Take a peek…

Charlie and Joey play with their baby sister, Mizzie May
Charlie made green play dough and created a campsite including a pink tent for his play dough person inside
Charlie's cutie jack o lantern dinosaur
Charlie's stick teepee in his backyard
Charlie and Joey discovered hammering rocks and splitting them open to find “gems” inside
Jack builds a sphero maze with Holden
Jack uses his face page to say "hi" to his Studio Purple friends
Jack and the bug beach he built at the beach

Tessa and Vivian enjoy Music with Mark right from their own home!


Real Share


“This is Big Doggy. I love him. I sleep with him every single night. I just want to show my friends. I want to call my friends. And I really really really really hope … if I don’t know if someone … I love my friends so much. I love them and love them and love them. So I thought I would share him the entire day of school. That’s it.”  


Thinking of you all, with love!