It’s hard to believe that our time in Studio Purple has come to an end. It feels like not too long ago, we were just coming together as a varied and colorful community. We’ve all grown in so many ways. This unique year made sure of that in profound ways we never imagined!
Ending our year working together on our ideas and contributions to Spaces for Hope could not have been more timely. Our world is rocked and it is our youngest who will grow to know of these changes that are crying out to be. At least, that is the very deep Hope we harbor for each and every one of you.
As we shared in hearing about your wonderful work on your stones, we were lifted by your smiles and your joy in creating. You all, our dear Studio Purple little ones, have been our greatest JOY and we are eager to see you blossom into the wonderfully colorful beings that you are!

“It’s a dangler. It’s dried up leaf with a snowy branch of May…I’m thinking about round rocks.” -Sam
“It’s a sandwich…fuzzy two rocks…a Hope sandwich…I wish we could be together again.”
“Love Rock Sandwich. Because I love Studio Purple.” -Charlie Menke
“…and a little nest with eggs. I hope that kids play gently and sweet and say sorry when they hurt someone’s feelings.” -Zack
“I did all 3 rocks! This one is a person that doesn’t have any legs. This one is the bed…I was hoping to rest in the daytime. This one is a waving sign. It waves when someone passes it…I was hoping that every time I walk out of my house, it waves to me!” -Alex
“I used blue paint. When the germs go away, I hope I can play again!” -Victoria
“the baby bird and the mama…like a web. The flower is my hope. I hope that people share kindness…from one to another one to another one…from state to state to state.” -Mika
“This is what I have. I painted this. I also tied all of this onto my rock. I also put a stick in it too. I also did this. I used chalk. My flower reminded me of the May Day. I want to go back to Studio Purple to see you.” -Tessa
“I painted one by one but some I not painted. I don’t know…I have a plan to make a wish. I need dandelions.” -Jack
“So this is my rock. It’s a pond with some grass and it’s a river. Paint!” Hope? “That I have a wiggly tooth!” -Charlie Kelly
“It looks like my bicycle seat! This is a mousey! It’s tail! The mouth is right there.” -Luca
“Mouse.” “Abigail helped me braid it.” Hoping for “a pet.” -Amelia
“This is my boat. I made it with my yarn, the feather. This is the sail. This is where you stand on. This is where you rescue people. I like hope and I wish I could go back to school again.” -Kyla
“I used glue.”