Working with Tape

We offered squares of cork and a basket of washi tape to further explore the children’s interest in using tape. It took concentration and persistence to peel, tear, cut, measure and lay the tape flat on the cork. Sometimes the tape would roll up and stick to hands, but we noticed children slowing down and being patient with the process.

After working with washi tape, we moved on to working with painter’s tape. We are excited to be creating our auction item for the upcoming LNS Gala!

Ruthie carefully rolls out the tape with one hand, while she flattens the tape with her other hand. She makes her tape lines reach from one side of the corkboard to the other.

Sam works with a thinner painter’s tape and makes his lines cross over Ruthie’s and makes smaller strips to reach between lines.

The following day we ask the children if they see any areas that need more lines. Will and Ruthie point out some spaces and add more tape.

The taping is now complete! Coming up shortly will be our next step in creating our one of a kind corkboard!