Week 10 – Chalk, Gelatos and Squigz

The children have been drawing with chalk on brown paper for a the last few weeks.  Some popular themes have been  the sun and rainbows.  Lily has been focused on drawing a series of suns!

I’m going to make Gracie and me under the sun. Gracie doesn’t like being in the sun, but I do.  Lily

This week we introduced a new drawing material called Gelatos.  They are vibrant soft gel-like crayons. We used different textured sponges to blend colors.

You can use all different kinds of colors in any way! You can see them in different ways!  Suki

Guess what I’m doing on mine? What does purple and pink make? Let me see. Let me see. This is an interesting color. Purple and pink make a different pink!  Ellie

I’m using both sides of my paper. I’m going to use red like you Ellie.  Makenna

I’m making a rainbow.  Ellie

I’m making a person leaning.  Suki

The children have continued to find a multitude of creative uses for the Squigz, as well as new places for the suction cup pieces to adhere to!

This is a fire fighter!  This is a siren for the fire house.   Jack

Woo woo woo woo… Wesley

This is a flying robot, so I can fly higher then the fire, see?  Alex

On the following Monday…

 These are the lights in our house.  Jack

Yeah, automatic lights that come off.  Ellie

Elliot and Nina play together as they build longer lights and swing them back and forth to each other laughing. Then they move to the outside of the house. We are making outside lights too. This is a fire alarm and this is too.  Nina