I Spy Something Green

As you are looking for signs of Spring all around you, have you found any green?  In case you’ve had a hard time finding some, I thought you might like to take a look at some of the green I’ve found in and around my home.  Can you guess what any of these things are?  Perhaps you can go on a green scavenger hunt around your house.  I wonder what you’ll find!

In these first days and weeks of Spring, Mother Nature often has a hard time making up her mind. It can feel like Spring one day and Winter the next.  In Spring’s Sprung, sisters March, April, and May begin quarreling as soon as they awake from their long winter’s sleep. They are so busy competing with each other that they have forgotten that it’s their job to make the world blossom into springtime. Their mother finally reassures them that “A mother’s heart is big enough to grow and grow, and stretch and stretch.  The truth–I love you ALL the best.”