There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name-o.
B – I – N – G – O        (3x)
And Bingo was his name-o.

Then we repeat the song, eliminating one letter at a time, clapping instead e.g.:
clap – I – N – G – O
clap – clap – N – G – O

I have a card for each letter, and I lay these out so that they can follow the letters as they sing. On the reverse side of each card, I have a picture of a note. The “B” and “I” have quarter notes, and the “N,” “G,” and “O” have eighth notes on them. I show them the notes and explain that they are called notes. Those with a plain stem are long, and the fancy ones with a flag on their stem are short. Each letter that we eliminate in the song, I flip over to reveal the note symbol.

Later, I switch around the letters so that they make a new name for the dog, e.g.: NOBIG or INBOG or I arrange them backwards: OGNIB. Of course, when I turn them over, the  quarter/eighth notes are unfortunately no longer the appropriate lengths.