Sept. 20, 2019

Draw the Circle Wide

Ants Go Marching – (my own version with different words and movements)

Pirate Song

Frog Named Tiny Tim

Yoga: star mountain; house moon; waterfall elephantThese go in pairs in a breathing pattern: we breathe in for star then out for mountain, and after doing that a few times, we breathe in for house and out for moon, then breathe in for waterfall (arms up) and out for elephant (lowering it’s trunk).

My Favorite Things

Mouse Story, cont’d. In this listening and “name that tune” exercise, we identify whether scales are going up or down, and today I added chords representing “sad” (minor) and “happy” (major). We found out what the problem was on the bus.


I Wish I Were – we did the “bar of soap,” “hunk of mud,” and “onion” verses.

I Can See Clearly Now