
Join our Annual Appeal

Support LNS in creating high-quality early childhood programming for children and families by making a contribution.

Ways to Give

Give Online Through Paypal 

Give by Check

Please send checks made payable to: 
Lincoln Nursery School
P.O. Box 6075
Lincoln, MA 01773

Give a Gift of Stock

To make a gift of appreciated stock, please call your broker with instructions regarding the amount of the gift, type of stock, and the number of shares. Ask your broker to call Sisy Thomas at 781.259.8866 for instructions about transferring the shares directly into LNS’s account.

Matching Gifts

Many companies sponsor matching-gift programs that often double the charitable contribution made by an employee. Ask your Human Resources office about your company’s program.

Why Give to Lincoln Nursery School

At Lincoln Nursery School, like at most independent schools, tuition does not cover the full operating cost, so we rely on philanthropy in order to hire and retain talented faculty, to ensure small class sizes and low teacher-student ratios, to create beautiful studio spaces filled with inspiring materials, and to steward the physical campus of the school to ensure it is accessible into the future. 

Lincoln Nursery School is a non-profit and all donations are tax-deductible. EIN: 04-2199873