Studio Red: daily do & draw 4/15

Dear Studio Red,

Now is a great time to observe the trees around you, without their foliage you can really observe their structure.  Soon they will be blooming perhaps you can see some buds already! Today we invite you to create trees of unexpected materials.  Unexpected is using something in a different way.  For example, we use forks to eat with, how might you use them to create a  tree? How about pencils or loose keys?  See what you can find around your house!

Love, Lauri and Emily

daily do & draw


After observing some trees, go around your house and collect some objects.  You might want to stay in one room to find your things. What might you find in your kitchen or your bedroom?  If you collect them in basket or a bag it will be easier to keep them together and it will also help you put them all away when you have finished!

What will you collect around your house to create a tree?


Now it is time to DRAW with the objects that you have collected from around your home.  Think about the trees you have seen, the shape of a tree, the parts of a tree or the colors of a tree.  All of these things might contribute to your drawing.  Remember you can move things around.  Nothing is permanent.  Play with the objects and see how they work best for your vision.  Below are some of our drawings to inspire you!

How will you arrange your objects to create a tree?