Studio Red: daily do & draw 3/27

Dear Studio Red,

Along with many teachers at Lincoln Nursery School, Lauri and I have been busy sewing face masks to give to local hospitals.  All this sewing reminded us of the connection Jackson made between sewing and weaving.  He said they are similar, because, doing both, you follow the same pattern: up and down, up and down, up and down.  We remember all the weaving we did on plate looms and Y-sticks and the sewing we did during rest with the beautiful wooden squares Miles and his family gave us.  Today we invite you to create your own tool for sewing and weaving and draw on it too!

Love, Lauri and Emily

daily do & draw


How will you create a tool for sewing or weaving?

Jump down and visit the invitation for drawing. Then come back to view these photos to see how Emily got started with her sewing and weaving!


How will you make marks?

You can draw on your cardboard shape however you would like! 

Mess about! Have fun!

We want to show you one way you might experiment using the tools shown below to make lines and shape.