A paintbrush can…

“Painting is a wonderfully sensuous experience.  Plunging into color with a brush, gliding, swooping , skimming along, changing paper into a playspace aglow with color – these are joys that enthrall painters.  In the rhythm and flow of painting the whole body is involved.  Vision and movement intertwine.  Painting is more, much more than making pictures.  Being in a painting, becoming lost in it, is one way to describe the experience.” 
– Ursula Kolbe

In Studio Red, children discover what a paintbrush can do.

A paintbrush can tell stories;

A paintbrush can represent thinking of patterns, caterpillars, family, and the things we love;

A paintbrush can imagine what could be, “What if caterpillars loved trees?” -Sevi;

A paintbrush can mix colors;

A paintbrush can express feelings and shift our feelings as we paint alone or with another;

A paintbrush can inspire song and conversation;

A paintbrush can paint!

We see this abundance of paintings as a possibility -- a possibility to invite children to revisit their work. What if they returned to add words, characters, or details?   In this way, we challenge them to reflect on their own thinking and extend their ideas. Where will these paintings lead? What stories might they awaken?