Uncovering Ourselves

As part of a greater effort to understand You be You and I be I, we wanted the children to begin to take note of their similarities and differences.  To shine light on who each of us is within the larger Studio Purple community.  Over the past several weeks the children have been visiting a face drawing area in the studio, equipped with plastic face molds, markers, a mirror, and books.  The children have delighted in visiting this space over and over again, both on their own as well as with a partner.

“I’m putting eyes on him.” -Charlie N.

“So he can see?…Is yours a boy?” -Addie

“No, it’s a girl.” -Charlie N.

“Why aren’t you putting pretty things on it?” -Addie

"That's what my daddy looks like. Is that what your daddy looks like?" CAROLINE
"That's what my daddy look like." MILES

“I’m going to make a mask of me.” 

“Do you want to make a mask?  I’m gonna make a mask of me. They’re things you put on your face to look like someone else (masks).  I sorta look like my dad.” RUTHIE

What makes you, you?..."'Cause I drew it." JULIA
“This is me! ‘Cause I’m drawing it. I’m drawing me here.” CHARLIE N.
“This is my masterpiece. This is my two lost teeth and I put them under my pillow and I wasn’t awake yet and the tooth fairy came...Sometimes when you get sick, you get chickenpox all over and I’m drawing them.” RUTHIE