“Sad but a little mad.”

As part of our work around understanding ourselves and others, we have started gathering with small groups with the intention of understanding feelings through stories and games.  But first, we just brainstorm…

What do you know about feelings?   

“HAPPY…I feel happy because Wes’ daddy is going to pick me up.”  Julia


“I felt ANGRY because I went to see a movie and the movie was canceled.”  Rosalie

“SCARED.”  Case

When have you felt scared, Case?

“When it’s Halloween.  When it’s really late.”

“I felt MAD when I was squished.”  Ian


“I feel HAPPY when I’m at my house.”  Luca


“SILLY!” Caroline



“GRUMPY” Ruthie


Each small group also read the story, On Monday When It Rained by Cheryl Kachenmeister.  The story weaves different scenarios each leading up to a page simply showing a large photograph of a boy’s face with a statement of a feeling.  As we read, we percolated some more thoughts on feelings, allowing the children the opportunity to come up with their own feelings first by looking at the boy’s photograph.

“SCARED.” -Tait and Caroline

Tait begins to show how he looks as scared..

“Like this! (covers face)  Then you can peek!” -Tait

“I shiver.” -Addie

“Me too and I squeak.  Like squeak!” -Tait

“I make one big sound when I’m scared then more monsters will come and then a lot of monsters will come!” -Wes

“EXCITED!” (All)

How do we know?

(all show their mouth wide open like the photograph)

“When I’m excited I wiggle my tongue!” -Ruthie

“And when I’m excited, I go (pulls body up tight)” -Travers

“When I’m excited I jump up!…I’m excited to go home because I have a playdate!”-Miles

“I like to jump.” -Charlotte

“I’ve been jumping up and down before, I’ve been so excited.”  ROSALIE

“Sad?” -Addie

“Oh!  Now I know LONELY.” -Addie (after the feeling was read aloud)

“And I never get to be lonely cause I’m just a little kid.” -Tait

“I’m never gonna be lonely because I’m pretending to have someone to play with me.” -Wes

“I need to be older! (to be lonely)” -Wes

What does lonely mean?

“They have no one with them and no one wants to play with them and no one wants to be right with them.” -Wes

“And everyone has left his home and now he’s lonely.” -Tait

“And by himself.” -Wes

“Sad. ‘Cause he’s not with his Mom.”  -Louis


Are there any other feelings that we’ve left out?

“How about PROUD?!” -Miles

We are looking forward to gathering again with these feelings small groups…Clearly they have a lot to share!