Picture of a Day

Caroline and Kyla build a “party boat,” which Thomas, Travers, Ruthie and Luca also enjoy.

What do you know about thunderstorms?

Saige It rains.

Thomas It goes: boom! crash!

Saige It scares you.

Travers I heard some rain, drip drip drip, on the ground to the road. Some water dripped onto the road top and I saw some ice on the trampoline net and Angus pushed it off of the trampoline net.

Thomas Ice is pretty icy and cold.

Kyla Ice melts.

Asha And I saw a boom crash. (What does a boom crash look like?) It looks like this (pointing to her drawing on her clipboard)

Caroline If you don’t eat ice cream it melts.

Asha And I go ice skating.

On our walk in the sculpture park we stopped in the carriage house, where Emily works, and there we met Rachel, who shared a mosaic (above). She explained that you stick your finger in glue and then apply it to the tile before putting it down.

Asha How do you take them off?

Rachel You can’t take it off. Once you put the glue on it sticks forever.

Travers It looks like a man or a cow. I think that’s a man and that’s a cow.

Asha It’s kind of like a X.

? X marks the spot.